Dark Under-Eye Circles
There are many contributing factors that make dark circles around the eyes more noticeable. These include:
- Age - The skin thins as we age. With the skin being thinner the blood vessels underneath become more apparent.
- Allergies - Although allergies are often the blame for dark circles, anything that causes chronic nasal obstruction can be a culprit.
- Diet - Drinking caffeinated beverages
- Fatigue - Due to lack of sleep
- Heredity - Tendencies such as allergies or weak capillaries pass on from generation to generation
- Overexposure - Caused by the sun
- Natural pigment - commoner in those of Asian, Indian or Mediterranean descent
- De-oxygenation of the blood vessels which makes the blood less pink/more blue - Occurs when you are in an upright position for a long time and is often seen in people who are tired
- Menstruation
- Pregnancy
- Smoking
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