THE POWER OF GREEN TEA POLYPHENOLSThe medicinal powers of green tea to cure a wide variety of ailments have been documented for thousands of years. The Replenix® line is specially formulated with green tea polyphenols (GTP) – the most potent antioxidant known and the subject of numerous studies describing skin protective, beautifying and related skin care benefits.
Therapeutic effects are specifically from the concentrated polyphenol fraction isolated from the camellia sinensis (green tea) leaf. Replenix® products are high-end, non-prescription formulas which utilize the whole polyphenol fraction purified to 90% - the highest purified form available, calming skin and restoring it back to its natural peaceful state. The benefits of Green Tea Polyphenols can be found throughout the entire brand of Replenix products.
All REPLENIX and REPLENIX CF formulations are non-comedogenic and can easily be incorporated into existing prescription and over-the-counter skincare regimens.
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